Dametta Port located about 8.5 km to the west of Dam Etta branch of River Nile in the Mediterranean sea to the west of Ras El Bar, the distance of 70 km to the west of port Said Port.
(water) the water area is 3.1Km. about Barge channel consists of two ports one is 1350 m that links the barges dock to the sea and other is 3750 m that links to the dock to the Nile branch. the barge dock is 250 x 250 , Diameter of the rotation dock is 500 m and its depth is 14.5 m in front of the containers broth and 12 m in front the general cargo berths dam Etta Port dimension line links between the two ends of the external eastern and western break waters dam Etta depth permitted 42 feet, dock density 1.030 and capacity available is 5.6 million yearly. At last dam Etta governor is famous for furniture industries.
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